Workshops & Seminars


Whenever we teachers are faced with the task of coming up with a script for the School Concert, we usually fall back on adapting well known fairy tales and novels everyone loves. That is one direction we could go on. But what if we told you the tools for writing your own script can be laid out for you in a one-time seminar?

Whether it is adapting a fairy tale or coming up with a plot of your own, we can help you and your staff at school with!

An experienced playwright on shows written for children to perform, Ximena Faralla specializes in scripts designed for the little ones. Paired up by Andrew Mckenna’s training in storytelling, improvisation and character development, our seminar on writing a school concert can prove to be a tool you can even apply to your language class.

Make sure you know what you are doing so you can make the most out of this experience at your School!


Staging a school concert can seem daunting and stressful but with the right guidance and organization, it can prove to be the most enriching experience of all. What if we were ready to claim that your students will find this challenge the most exhilarating one of their school year?

An experienced playwright on shows written for children to perform, Ximena has been producing and directing these kinds of shows for over 20 years now. It is this know-how, together with Andrew’s talent for character development and crew management, which result in a powerful team of professionals sharing their decades’ long experience, tips, and tested recipes for a more than successful School Concert as well as an enjoyable process.

Make sure you know what you are doing so you can make the most out of this experience at your School!


Facing the task of directing a School Concert may seem daunting and stressful but with the right guidance and organization, it can turn into a fun and enriching experience.

When to start rehearsing? How to guide my actors? How to translate my vision to the stage?

Ximena has been directing these kinds of shows for over 25 years now and will share her decades’ long experience, tips, and tested recipes in the aim of making the process more enjoyable. Hopefully you will start dealing with Concerts in a more relaxed, constructive and effective way.

Make sure you know what you are doing so you can make the most out of this experience at your School!

To book our services, please get in touch with us!